Fire update, 15 July 2005 Thanks to all who have expressed their concerns. Rest assured we have been acting safely, and visiting the mountain only after consulting with fire authorities. I have little to add today to what Steve Criswell stated. I drove up to the Ridge again, and Dennis drove up to the MMT. The smoke was very dense around noon. I turned off more of the equipment that had remained on at the Ridge. I watched more retardant being dropped near the Ridge, as you can see in my new pictures. I talked with firefighters from the San Carlos Apache Reservation. They confirmed that the plan would be to start back burns from the Ridge, possibly today. That depends on the weather and on whether or when the fire starts moving up Mt. Hopkins from the Canyon to the East. We have a slurry and water station for helicopters near the basecamp, so we are continually buzzed by giant helicopters. We will continue to keep you informed as best we can. Best regards, Emilio Photos and links: