A convoy of fire engines and trucks droove down Mt. Hopkins on Tuesday July 19; see the photos below. There were a lot of tired but happily beaming faces all around. Firefighters were either returning home, or going on to any one of many other wildfires.
We thanked the firefighters profusely for their excellent job and dedication. We also offered them FLWO information in the form of posters and an impromptu lecture on astronomy at FLWO. We invited them for complete tours once their duties allowed it.
More rain fell on July 19 and 20; the monsoon is finally established. As of July 21, a few "smokes" were visible from Mt. Hopkins on the West slopes North of Mt. Wrightson, above Madera Canyon. They are in an inaccessible area but they appear small.

PHOTOS (by Dan Brocious):
The convoy arrives at the basecamp.

Happy firefighters.

An impromptu astronomy lecture at the visitor center.