* MONGO Commands - @(#)mongohelp.dat 1.1 05/11/99 *

3DPLOT ALT AZ ZMAX - makes a 3-d plot of data from orientation ALT AZ
ANGLE D (X1 Y1 X2 Y2) - sets angle of text or points to D degrees
BOX (m n) - makes a box labelled according to LIMITS and TICKSIZE
BUFFER - predefined macro name that refers to the entire command buffer
CONNECT - connects (x,y) pairs read by X and YCOLUMN with line segments
CONTOUR N LEVEL1 ... LEVELN - makes a contour plot of data at levels LEVEL
CURSOR (x y) - turns on the cursor and reads the resulting position
DATA fspec - opens the file "fspec" for reading data
DEFINE xxx - creates macro xxx and enters define mode
DELETE (n1 n2) - removes the commands n1-n2 from the command buffer
DEVICE n - sends output to device n
DOT - makes a point of the current style at the current location
DRAW X Y - draws a line to (x,y) from the last coordinate
ECOLUMN N - reads the error bar size from column N of the data file
END - ends define mode, insert mode or exits from the program
ERASE - erases the graphics screen or initializes a printer plot
ERRORBAR K - draws error bars on (x,y) pairs in direction 90(K-1)
EXPAND E - expands all characters or points by a factor E
FORCEVT - Resets to vt100 screen if interrupt or error exits in Tek4010 mode.
FORMAT (...) - uses format (...) for reading from data files.
GRID (n) - makes a grid at major/all ticks for n = 0/1
HALFTONE (z1 z2 (contrast)) - makes a halftone picture of data
HARDCOPY - causes a stored printer plot to be plotted
HELP xxx - prints an explanation of command xxx
HISTOGRAM (n) - connects (x,y) pairs from X and YCOLUMN as a histogram
ID - puts an identification label at the upper right corner of a plot
INPUT fspec - reads plot commands from file "fspec" and executes them
INSERT (n) - following commands are inserted before command n in command buffer
LABEL ... - writes the string ... at the last coordinate
LIMITS (X1 X2 Y1 Y2) - sets the limits of the plot (no args for auto)
LINES L1 L2 - limits the X,Y, and ECOLUMN file read to lines L1-L2
LIST (xxx) - lists the commands of macro xxx
LOCATION GX1 GX2 GY1 GY2 - sets the physical location of the plot
LTYPE n - sets the line type to n
LWEIGHT n - sets the line weight to n
PAGE n - after a PRINTER command, directs output to n pages after 0th
PCOLUMN n - reads point type data from column n of the current data file
PHYSICAL LX1 LX2 LY1 LY2 - sets physical limits of plot
PLAYBACK (xxx) - replay macro xxx or commands in the command buffer
POINTS - draws points of the current style at the (x,y) of X and YCOLUMN
PRINTER (n (device)) - directs output to a hardcopy printer
PTYPE n s - sets the point type to an n-gon of style s
PUTLABEL L ... - writes label ... at the current location according to L
RELOCATE X Y - sets the current coordinates to (x,y)
RESET - empties the command buffer and reads an initialization file
SET V X (op Y) - sets symbolic variable V to value X or X(op)Y
SHOW - shows current limits and location
TEKXTERM - Tell MONGO to use XTERM Tek window for graphics, VT window for text.
TERMINAL (n (device)) - directs output to a graphics terminal
TICKSIZE SMALLX BIGX SMALLY BIGY - sets tick intervals for BOX
VFIELD - Draws a vector field as a sequence of arrows
WINDOW nx ny k - Sets the plot location to a subwindow
WRITE xxx fspec - writes macro xxx to file "fspec"
XCOLUMN N - reads x data from column N of the current file
XLABEL ... - writes the label ... centered under the x axis
XLOGARITHM - takes the logarithm of x values from XCOLUMN
YCOLUMN N - reads y data from column N of the current file
YLABEL ... - writes the label ... centered left of the y axis
YLOGARITHM N - takes the logarithm of y values from YCOLUMN
ZEROBASE sw - Set Y scale minimum to zero if `sw' is `on'. Default is `off'.

3DPLOT ALT AZ ZMAX - makes a 3-d plot of data from orientation ALT AZ 3DPLOT makes a 3-d plot (grid of z heights over x,y) viewed from altitude ALT and azimuth AZ, scaled so that z value ZMAX fills the vertical scale. 3DPLOT must use data passed to MONGO when it is called as a subroutine.

ANGLE D (X1 Y1 X2 Y2) - sets angle of text or points to D degrees ANGLE will cause text from LABEL to come out D degrees counter- clockwise from horizontal. It also causes points to be rotated counter-clockwise by D degrees. If there are four arguments present, they are taken to be user coordinate of two points and ANGLE is set to the slope of the line.

AXIS A1 A2 ASMALL ABIG AX1 AY1 AX2 AY2 ILABEL ICLOCK - makes an axis Makes an axis labelled from A1 to A2 stretching between device locations (AX1,AY1) and (AX2,AY2). If ABIG > 0 use that for spacing of large ticks. If ASMALL < 0 make a logarithmic axis, if ASMALL = 0, do the default. If ASMALL > 0 try to use that for the spacing of small ticks. ILABEL's options are +/- for ticks/no ticks, 1/2/3 for parallel/perp/no labels, 00/10/20 for roman/plain/tiny font, 0/100/200/300 for default/0.0/dms/hms format. ICLOCK = 1 for clockwise ticks on the axis, 0 for counter.

BOX (m n) - makes a box labelled according to LIMITS and TICKSIZE BOX puts axes around the plot region, labelling the lower and left. If arguments m and n are included (default 1 and 2) they are used as ILABEL arguments for the lower and left axes.

BUFFER - predefined macro name that refers to the entire command buffer Typing BUFFER will execute the contents of the command buffer, and BUFFER can be used as an argument for LIST, WRITE, and PLAYBACK.

CONNECT - connects (x,y) pairs read by X and YCOLUMN with line segments CONNECT draws line segments connecting the coordinates read by XCOLUMN and YCOLUMN.

CONTOUR N LEVEL1 ... LEVELN - makes a contour plot of data at levels LEVEL CONTOUR makes a contour plot with contours drawn a z values LEVEL1 to LEVELN. CONTOUR must use data passed to MONGO when it is called as a subroutine.

CURSOR (x y) - turns on the cursor and reads the resulting position With no arguments CURSOR will turn on a terminal's cursor, wait for it to be positioned and then read the coordinates. The user coordinates are stored in the symbolic variables CX and CY. When CURSOR has two arguments it positions the cursor at that user location, but does not turn on the cursor. A cursor command is stored in the command buffer as "cursor" followed by the resulting cursor coordinates, so that the command buffer can be played back for any device, regardless of whether it has a cursor. CURSOR sets the current graphics pointer to the cursor position.

DATA fspec - opens the file "fspec" for reading data DATA opens a data file for reading data. The file is assumed to have numerical data in columns separated by spaces, tabs or commas. Any column can be read as x or y coordinates by X and YCOLUMN. In the case that MONGO has been called as a subroutine, DATA with no arguments specifies that data be read from that array passed to MONGO.

DEFINE xxx - creates macro xxx and enters define mode DEFINE xxx creates an entry for a macro xxx, and subsequent commands until END are the body of the macro. The prompt changes to D* to indicate the mode. A macro is invoked by its name, and its name can be used as an argument to LIST, WRITE and PLAYBACK. The tokens &1, &2, ..., &9 can be used in the body of the macro, and when a macro is invoked its arguments will be substituted for these tokens.

DELETE (n1 n2) - removes the commands n1-n2 from the command buffer DELETE removes commands from the command buffer (numbered according to LIST). If no arguments, the last command is deleted, if one, that command is removed, and if two arguments all commands from one argument to the other are deleted.

DEVICE n - sends output to device n N Device N Device 1 Retrographics 640 -1 Versatec (vertical) 2 DEC VT125 -2 Versatec (horizontal) 3 Tektronix 4010 -3 Printronix (vertical) 4 Grinnell 270 -4 Printronix (horizontal) 5 HP2648A -5 Laser (vertical) 6 SUN windows -6 Laser (horizontal)

DOT - makes a point of the current style at the current location DOT draws a point at the current location (set by RELOCATE, DRAW, etc) in the style determined by PTYPE. The point's size and rotation are governed by EXPAND and ANGLE.

DRAW X Y - draws a line to (x,y) from the last coordinate DRAW draws a line to (x,y) from the current location (set by RELOCATE, DRAW, etc), and makes (x,y) the current location.

ECOLUMN N - reads the error bar size from column N of the data file ECOLUMN reads column N from the data file as the magnitudes of the error bar displacements from the corresponding (x,y) coordinates. Note that X and YLOGARITHM do not adjust the error values to logarithmic coordinates.

END - ends define mode, insert mode or exits from the program In define mode END finishes the macro definition and returns to execute mode. In insert mode END returns to execute mode. In execute mode, END exits from the program altogether (as does ^Z).

ERASE - erases the graphics screen or initializes a printer plot ERASE erases the graphics screen if in terminal mode, or it reinitializes a printer plot (sets the vector count to 0).

ERRORBAR K - draws error bars on (x,y) pairs in direction 90(K-1) ERRORBAR is analogous to POINTS; it draws error bars on all (x,y) points (read by X and YCOLUMN) of length read by ECOLUMN. The argument is 1 to put the bar along the +x direction, 2 for +y, 3 for -x, and 4 for -y. Use EXPAND to govern the size of the caps.

EXPAND E - expands all characters or points by a factor E EXPAND expands all characters and points, its default is 1.0. Note: with default expansion, characters are sent to the graphics terminal without font translation; in order to get characters of size 1 with font translation, use EXPAND 1.0001.

FORCEVT - Resets to vt100 screen if interrupt or error exits in Tek4010 mode.

FORMAT (...) - uses format (...) for reading from data files. With no argument, FORMAT uses a list directed read from data files. An argument is used as a FORTRAN format statement (parentheses must be included) for reading from data files. Note that all data format entries must be floating point and that "Gn.0" will read any floating data item in a field of length n.

GRID (n) - makes a grid at major/all ticks for n = 0/1 Without an argument, GRID makes a grid of dotted lines at all major tick locations within a BOX. With an argument of 0 or 1, GRID makes a grid at major or all ticks of the current line type.

HALFTONE (z1 z2 (contrast)) - makes a halftone picture of data HALFTONE makes a grayscale picture of data, with data values z1 to z2 drawn at gray levels ranging between the background and "set" levels of the output device. If the argument "contrast" is not present, HALFTONE uses a linear interpolation between z1 and z2. If contrast is present and equal to 0, HALFTONE makes an enhanced mapping of data values to gray scale levels so that there are an equal number of pixels at each gray level. If contrast is positive (negative), this mapping is altered to enhance the number of background ("set") pixels; values of -5 to +5 are useful. HALFTONE will make the picture fill the current graphics area, and requires data passed to MONGO via the subroutine.

HARDCOPY - causes a stored printer plot to be plotted After a PRINTER or ERASE command all graphical output is stored. HARDCOPY causes the stored vectors to be plotted on the printer and reinitializes the vector count.

HELP xxx - prints an explanation of command xxx Without an argument, HELP prints a one line description of all builtin commands. With an the name of a command as an argument, HELP prints more information on that command.

HISTOGRAM (n) - connects (x,y) pairs from X and YCOLUMN as a histogram HISTOGRAM connects the coordinates read by XCOLUMN and YCOLUMN as a histogram. If the argument n is present, the area between the histogram and device y coordinate n is hatched. If n < 0 the hatching is at -45 degrees and y coordinate -n is used.

ID - puts an identification label at the upper right corner of a plot ID puts the name of the current input file, data file, date and time outside the upper right hand corner of the plot region.

INPUT fspec - reads plot commands from file "fspec" and executes them INPUT reads plot commands from a file and treats them exactly as if they were typed: commands are executed, or can be inserted or used in macro definitions.

INSERT (n) - following commands are inserted before command n in command buffer INSERT enters insert mode, indicated by a I* prompt, and subsequent commands are inserted without execution into the command buffer until an END command is encountered. Without an argument, INSERT inserts at the end of the buffer; with an argument, INSERT starts inserting just before that location.

LABEL ... - writes the string ... at the last coordinate LABEL ... writes the string ... (which starts one space after LABEL and continues to the last non-space character) at the current location (set by RELOCATE, etc). The string's size and angle are determined by EXPAND and ANGLE. The character "\" is an escape character and causes the following action. ************************************* * \\x - set mode x * * \x - set mode x for next char * * \r - roman font * * \p - plain font * * \g - greek font * * \s - script font * * \t - tiny font * * \i - toggle italics * * \o - old english font * * \u - superscript * * \d - subscript * * \b - backup character width * * \e - end string * * \0 - \9 - user variables \0 - \9 * *************************************

LIMITS (X1 X2 Y1 Y2) - sets the limits of the plot (no args for auto) LIMITS sets the coordinates of the plot region. All coordinates from X and YCOLUMN, RELOCATE, DRAW, etc, are referred to these limits. If LIMITS has no arguments, the data from the most recent X and YCOLUMN are used to set the limits.

LINES L1 L2 - limits the X,Y, and ECOLUMN file read to lines L1-L2 LINES sets the range of lines read from the data file by X, Y, and ECOLUMN. It is useful to avoid non-data lines.

LIST (xxx) - lists the commands of macro xxx LIST lists the commands of the named macro. The macro name "all" or no argument lists the command buffer. The numbers assigned to commands by LIST are those used by DELETE and INSERT.

LOCATION GX1 GX2 GY1 GY2 - sets the physical location of the plot The plot region is a rectangle within the coordinates allowed by the plotting device. Vectors and points are truncated at the bounds of the plot region. LOCATION specifies (in device coordinates) where the plot region is located. LOCATION can be used to make an arbitrary size and shape plot.

LTYPE n - sets the line type to n All lines except for points and characters are drawn with line type n, where n refers to lines of the following type: 0 = solid 1 = dot 2 = short dash 3 = long dash 4 = dot - short dash 5 = dot - long dash 6 = short dash - long dash

LWEIGHT n - sets the line weight to n All vectors plotted on a hardcopy printer are made with a weight of n.

PAGE n - after a PRINTER command, directs output to n pages after 0th PAGE assumes PRINTER output onto fanfold paper. It sets the physical limits and location so that vectors are offset onto page n after the first one.

PCOLUMN n - reads point type data from column n of the current data file PCOLUMN is analogous to PTYPE, except that when POINTS is executed each (x,y) point is plotted with the corresponding entry in the point column, instead of the same point type for all points. The format is the same as PTYPE, except that the numbers are contracted together. If the entry has a fractional part, it is treated as an expansion factor (fractional part less than .01 gives default expansion). For example, an entry of 103.5 in a point column is the same as PTYPE 10 3, EXPAND .5.

PHYSICAL LX1 LX2 LY1 LY2 - sets physical limits of plot The plot region is a rectangle within the coordinates allowed by the plotting device. PHYSICAL specifies (in device coordinates) the absolute limits of where graphics output can go. Anything outside of these limits is truncated.

PLAYBACK (xxx) - replay macro xxx or commands in the command buffer PLAYBACK xxx executes the macro xxx without storing the commands in the command buffer. With an argument of "all" or no argument, PLAYBACK replays all commands in the command buffer.

POINTS - draws points of the current style at the (x,y) of X and YCOLUMN POINTS makes points of the current style (PTYPE), size (EXPAND), and rotation (ANGLE) at the coordinates read by XCOLUMN and YCOLUMN.

PRINTER (n (device)) - directs output to a hardcopy printer PRINTER directs graphical output to a graphics printer and sets default values for the plot region location and device physical limits. An optional argument is used to specify a particular device. n Device 1 Versatec (portrait) 2 Versatec (landscape) 3 Printronix (portrait) 4 Printronix (landscape) 5 Laser printer (portrait) 6 Laser printer (landscape) A second optional argument specifies the device name.

PTYPE n s - sets the point type to an n-gon of style s PTYPE n s causes points to be drawn as n sided polygons of a style s, where s refers to: 0 = open 1 = skeletal (center connected to vertices) 2 = starred 3 = solid PTYPE will also accept one argument which is a composite = 10*n + s.

PUTLABEL L ... - writes label ... at the current location according to L PUTLABEL writes a label at the current location with rotation and size specified by ANGLE and EXPAND (exactly like LABEL). The label is oriented with respect to the current location according to the argument L which can be 1 - 9 for: right center left justified label above 7 8 9 centered 4 5 6 below 1 2 3

RELOCATE X Y - sets the current coordinates to (x,y) RELOCATE sets the current location to (x,y) without drawing a line.

RESET - empties the command buffer and reads an initialization file RESET does something which I have not yet decided.

SET V X (op Y) - sets symbolic variable V to value X or X(op)Y SET sets the symbolic variable V to a value X if only two arguments are present. If four arguments exist V is set to X(op)Y where op is either + - * / % \ > or <. V can be a user variable \0 - \9 or a symbolic variable such as gx1. These variables can then be used as arguments to any other command.

SHOW - shows current limits and location SHOW lists the values of some the variables, including current location and plot region limits in user and device coordinates, the value of the expansion and angle variables, the line type and weight, and the physical limits.

TEKXTERM - Tell MONGO to use XTERM Tek window for graphics, VT window for text. Once set, this should be follwed by a `terminal 3 /dev/tty'. Only the Tek 4010 device supports this alternation.

TERMINAL (n (device)) - directs output to a graphics terminal TERMINAL directs graphical output to the graphics terminal and sets default values for the plot region location and device physical limits. An optional argument is used to specify a particular device. n Device 1 Retrographics 640 2 DEC VT125 3 Tektronix 4010 4 Grinnell 270 5 HP 2648A 6 Sun Windows A second optional argument specifies the device name, eg, TTA0:.

TICKSIZE SMALLX BIGX SMALLY BIGY - sets tick intervals for BOX TICKSIZE determines tick intervals for BOX. SMALLX refers to the interval between small tick marks on the x axis, BIGX refers to the interval between large ticks, etc. If BIG is 0, the axis routine will supply its own intervals according to the label limits. If SMALL < 0, the axis will have logarithmic tick spacing with large ticks at each decade and small ones at each integer. (Despite the axis labels, the limits are still logarithms, e.g. -2 and 2 refers to limits of .01 and 100.)

VFIELD - Draws a vector field as a sequence of arrows VFIELD draws a vector field as a number of arrows. The tails of the arrows lie at points (x,y) read by X and YCOLUMN, the lengths of the arrows r are read by PCOLUMN and the direction of the arrow (ccw from right in degrees) is read by ECOLUMN. EXPAND is used to vary the length of the arrows. Note that the use of PCOLUMN in this context requires PTYPE to be re-executed before plotting points.

WINDOW nx ny k - Sets the plot location to a subwindow WINDOW makes the current plot location window k, where there are nx windows across and ny windows up and down, and the windows are counted across from the lower left. k = 1 specifies the first window, and WINDOW 1 1 1 resets the plot location to the entire plot area; be sure to do this before changing plot location or device!

WRITE xxx fspec - writes macro xxx to file "fspec" WRITE the commands making up a macro to a file. If the macro name given is "all" all macros currently defined and the entire command buffer are written to the file.

XCOLUMN N - reads x data from column N of the current file XCOLUMN reads column N from the data file as the values of the x coordinates of the data points.

XLABEL ... - writes the label ... centered under the x axis XLABEL writes a label centered under the x axis made by BOX.

XLOGARITHM - takes the logarithm of x values from XCOLUMN XLOGARITHM takes the logarithm of x values from XCOLUMN, using -50 for the logarithm of 0 or negative numbers.

YCOLUMN N - reads y data from column N of the current file YCOLUMN reads column N from the data file as the values of the y coordinates of the data points.

YLABEL ... - writes the label ... centered left of the y axis YLABEL writes a label centered left of the y axis made by BOX.

YLOGARITHM N - takes the logarithm of y values from YCOLUMN YLOGARITHM takes the logarithm of y values from YCOLUMN, using -50 for the logarithm of 0 or negative numbers.

ZEROBASE sw - Set Y scale minimum to zero if `sw' is `on'. Default is `off'. Default is to autoscale. The alternatice scale starts at or below 0.0.